Chrome back/forward gestures reversed on Big Sur

At first Chrome back/forward gestures stopped working after upgrading to MacOS Big Sur. I went into trackpad settings, unselected and reselected "Swipe between pages". It still didn't work. Then I changed it from 3 fingers to 2 fingers.

You can say it "works" now, but it goes the opposite direction. To go "back" I swipe right. To go forward I swipe left.

"Scroll direction: Natural" is selected. If I unselect that it fixes this problem, but then the vertical scrolling direction is reversed.

Anyone else seeing this?

Solution 1:

That sounds like the right direction. The previous page is semantically to the left of the current page, so swiping right with natural direction is going left. This is the same as swiping PDF pages in Preview — swipe right to go to the previous page on the left.

This description of natural scrolling in the macOS User Guide:

Scroll direction: Natural
Select this option to move the contents of a window in the same direction as your fingers.

and the animation in System Preferences > Trackpad > Swipe between pages:

enter image description here

make this logic hopefully clear.