Does iTerm (or iTerm2) on Mac allow storing host connections with user/password ( for quick access to different hosts)

Does iTerm (or iTerm2) for Mac allow storing and quickly-connecting to hosts?

(for Windows, even PuTTY lets us save connections. not clear when it comes to Mac)

Solution 1:

Yes and no.

The usual way is to set an ssh entry as a profile in Iterm. Here is an example for a local NAS. Example ssh profile

The no is for the password - iTerm does not provide a way of associating the password with a login. But in practice this is not a problem as you should be using Public Key Authentication

If you are not using PKA then look at use of expect with ssh e.g.

Note saying "even Putty does this" is a very high bar, Putty is has a lot of functionality.