How can I select an nth child without knowing the parent element?

I can't figure out a way of selecting the nth element, last element, or first element in cases where I don't know the parent element. nth-child exists, but only for children, for example:


p:last-child selects the "Two" paragraph, and p:first-child selects the "One" paragraph. But what about when I have dynamic code and have no idea what the parent name is, or even what the parent really is (may be a div, span, anchor, ul, etc.)?

For example:

   <p class="select-me">One</p>
   <p class="select-me">Two</p>

How do I select the second paragraph here? (I'm unable to select youdontknowwhat! since I really don't know what element it is (it's just a hypothetical name).

Why are there first-child, last-child, and nth-child selectors and NO :first, :last, :nth (like .select-me:first)?

Solution 1:

How would :first be different from :first-child? Every HTML element is a child of some other element in the DOM except <html> which is the root element. – BoltClock

It'd be since you don't know the parent element. – fomicz

You don't need to know the parent element for :first-child or :nth-child() to work. They will just work, even if you don't specify the parent element.

The following selector is guaranteed to match any appropriate .select-me element regardless of what its parent element is:


Solution 2:

*  p:nth-child(2)

of course it's better if you can specify the parent selector (for a matter of performance)