How can I universally disable titles on hover in Safari?

Solution 1:

You can change the delay for all Safari tooltips by setting NSInitialToolTipDelay. If you set a really long time, it's like they're disabled. For example, 10 seconds:

defaults write NSInitialToolTipDelay -int 10000

Delete to use the default value

defaults delete NSInitialToolTipDelay

Safari stores preferences in its sandbox container and defaults will only look in the container if you don't have a preferences file from a time when Safari wasn't sandboxed (e.g. if you've upgraded macOS and kept your home directory). Check you don't have a ~/Library/Preferences/ file for defaults to use the one at ~/Library/Containers/, or manually provide this domain to defaults:

defaults write ~/Library/Containers/ NSInitialToolTipDelay -int 10000