Warnings of valid HTML5 attributes in Eclipse

I use Eclipse and I write jsp files with HTML5 content. So I have for example this line:

<div class="test" data-role="test123">

In Eclipse I get the warning:

Undefined attribute name (data-role)

What needed to be done so these warnings won't appear anymore? In HTML5 this attribute is allowed (data-*) as you can see here: http://ejohn.org/blog/html-5-data-attributes/

It seems like Eclipse still has some problems validating HTML5 elements and attributes even now.

I'm running Mars 4.5.1 and I have had warnings about the <main> element, despite the fact that there are no warnings about the <section> element.

But there is a solution!

Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files > Validation

Window > Preferences > Web > HTML Files > Validation

Here you can tick the Ignore specified element names in validation checkbox and enter the names of any elements which Eclipse is incorrectly warning you about.

In your case, you will want to tick the Ignore specified attribute names in validation checkbox and enter the data-role attribute.

After you click 'Apply', Eclipse will ask you to do a full validation of the project. Select 'Yes' and the changes will take effect.

No more squiggly yellow lines YAY! :D

Your doctype

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

is for HTML 4.01.

data-* attributes were added in HTML 5. The doctype for HTML 5 is basically either

<!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "about:legacy-compat">


<!DOCTYPE html>

Newer versions of Eclipse support HTML5 tags and the data-* attributes allowed in HTML5. However, when using the role attribute the proper syntax according to the ARIA Roles Model and XHTML Role Attribute Module is not to prefix the role attribute with data-* leaving just role and not data-role.

So <ul role="menubar"> is more correct than <ul data-role="menubar">. The validity of the syntax can be checked using the (X)HTML5 Validator. jQuery Mobile uses quite extensively the data-role attribute, though I'm not sure why.

Note: If you upgrade and you're still getting warnings on data-* attributes you may want to consider updating or removing any installed syntax-checkers such as JTidy. As of Indigo Service Release 1 the role attribute continues to trigger an undefined attribute warning in Eclipse by default.