Pop up a message or run a program on remote windows 7 computer so currently logged on user can see it
Solution 1:
Netsend messages have been removed from Windows 7.
One way I have found to do this without installing 3rd party software is to leverage the remote shutdown commands:
shutdown -m \\computername -r -f -c "MESSAGE" -t 120
shutdown -m \\computername -a
The first command pops a message up, and will begin the shutdown in 120 seconds, the second command will cancel the remote shutdown (-a).
Test this on something that does not matter first!
Solution 2:
by vbscript:
dim WMIObj, strHost, intProcessID
on error resume next
strHost = "remotehost.domain.com"
set WMIObj = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strHost & "\root\cimv2:Win32_Process")
if IsObject(WMIObj) then
WMIObj.Create "cmd.exe /C msg * ""ha-ha-ha""", null, null, intProcessID
end if
set WMIObj = nothing
Solution 3:
This should be doable with the msg
. Something like
msg <username> /SERVER:<servername> <message
Solution 4:
The following command works with XP and 7 initiated from 2003 server:
at \\remotecomputer time /interactive msg remoteuser /SERVER:remotecomputer This is the message
The remotecomputer
is the computer where the message should appear and the remoteuser
is the user logged into the remote computer (user who should see the message).
To clear all at commands on the remote computer use:
at \\remotecomputer /delete /yes
Use this before the "message" at.