How to Implement IComparable interface?

You should not define IComparable yourself. It is already defined. Rather, you need to implement IComparable on your BankAccount class.

Where you defined the class BankAccount, make sure it implements the IComparable interface. Then write BankAccount.CompareTo to compare the balance amounts of the two objects.

public class BankAccount : IComparable<BankAccount>

    public int CompareTo(BankAccount that)
        if (this.Balance <  that.Balance) return -1;
        if (this.Balance == that.Balance) return 0;
        return 1;

Edit to show Jeffrey L Whitledge's solution from comments:

public class BankAccount : IComparable<BankAccount>

    public int CompareTo(BankAccount that)
        return this.Balance.CompareTo(that.Balance);

Do you want to destructively sort the array? That is, do you want to actually change the order of the items in the array? Or do you just want a list of the items in a particular order, without destroying the original order?

I would suggest that it is almost always better to do the latter. Consider using LINQ for a non-destructive ordering. (And consider using a more meaningful variable name than "a".)

BankAccount[] bankAccounts = { whatever };
var sortedByBalance = from bankAccount in bankAccounts 
                      orderby bankAccount.Balance 
                      select bankAccount;

IComparable already exists in .NET with this definition of CompareTo

int CompareTo(Object obj)

You are not supposed to create the interface -- you are supposed to implement it.

public class BankAccount : IComparable {

    int CompareTo(Object obj) {
           // return Less than zero if this object 
           // is less than the object specified by the CompareTo method.

           // return Zero if this object is equal to the object 
           // specified by the CompareTo method.

           // return Greater than zero if this object is greater than 
           // the object specified by the CompareTo method.