How can I convert already recorded speech to text? [closed]

I am looking for a software that would allow me to input an audio file (.wav .mp3...) and output the text of the audio file.

Does such software exist? I have only found software that converts (live) voice to text, but not audio files to text.

I don't know of any that you can download, but I can make a clunky suggestion.

Google has built such a software, I know that they use it in YouTube and Google Voice.

It's not very good, but you can call your Google Voice account, let the answering service pick up, and play the audio while your voicemail is recorded.

You'll get a transcription of the voicemail in your email.

I only suggest this because you don't have to train Google's engine.

This doesn't answer your question specifically, but what I'd do in your situation is to distribute it as a Amazon Mechanical Turk job. You'll probably get the best results and pay the fewest dollars this way.