Can HTML5 databases and localStorage be shared across subdomains?

Update 2016

This library from Zendesk worked for me.



// Config s.t. subdomains can get, but only the root domain can set and del
  {origin: /\$/,            allow: ['get']},
  {origin: /:\/\/(www\.)?$/, allow: ['get', 'set', 'del']}

Note the $ for matching the end of the string. The regular expression in the above example will match origins such as, but not


var storage = new CrossStorageClient('');

storage.onConnect().then(function() {
  return storage.set('newKey', 'foobar');
}).then(function() {
  return storage.get('existingKey', 'newKey');
}).then(function(res) {
  console.log(res.length); // 2
}).catch(function(err) {
  // Handle error


There is simple way to use cross-domain anything, just create simple page that will be included as proxy iframe hosted on domain you try to access, send PostMessage to that iframe and inside iframe you do your LocalStorage database manipulation. Here is a link to article that do this with lcoalStorage. And here is demo that send message to different page in subdomain check the source code, it use iframe and PostMessage.

EDIT: New version of sysend.js library (used by above demo) use BroadcastChannel if browser support it, but still it require Iframe. Recent version also simplify using of Cross-Origin messages, you have html of the iframe in repo, that you can use (or you can use simple html file with single script tag with the lib) and in parent you just need to call one function sysend.proxy(''); where need to have proxy.html file (you can also use your own filename and different path).

Google Chrome blocks localStoage access from an iFrame in another domain by default,unless 3rd party cookie is enabled and so does Safari on iPhone...the only solution seems to be opening the parent domain on a different domain and then sending to to the Child via window.postMessage but looks ugly and shifty on phones...