Bootstrap 4 responsive tables won't take up 100% width

Solution 1:

The following WON'T WORK. It causes another issue. It will now do the 100% width but it won't be responsive on smaller devices:

.table-responsive {
    display: table;

All these answers introduced another problem by recommending display: table;. The only solution as of right now is to use it as a wrapper:

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table">

Solution 2:

This solution worked for me:

just add another class into your table element: w-100 d-block d-md-table

so it would be : <table class="table table-responsive w-100 d-block d-md-table">

for bootstrap 4 w-100 set the width to 100% d-block (display: block) and d-md-table (display: table on min-width: 576px)

Bootstrap 4 display docs

Solution 3:

If you're using V4.1, and according to their docs, don't assign .table-responsive directly to the table. The table should be .table and if you want it to be horizontally scrollable (responsive) add it inside a .table-responsive container (a <div>, for instance).

Responsive tables allow tables to be scrolled horizontally with ease. Make any table responsive across all viewports by wrapping a .table with .table-responsive.

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table">

doing that, no extra css is needed.

In the OP's code, .table-responsive can be used alongside with the .col-md-12 on the outside .

Solution 4:

None of these answers are working (date today 9th Dec 2018). The correct resolution here is to add .table-responsive-sm to your table:

<table class='table table-responsive-sm'>
[Your table]

This applies the responsiveness aspect only to the SM view (mobile). So in mobile view you get the scrolling as desired and in larger views the table is not responsive and thus displayed full width, as desired.
