How to copy files with an option for skipping stuck files?

Robocopy, which is built into Windows.

To copy files from a CD-ROM, assuming drive D:\, you'd do something like this:

robocopy D:\ C:\ThisIsTheTargetFolder /MIR /R:1 /W:1
  • D:\ means the source, which in this example is the D: drive.
  • C:\ThisIsTheTargetFolder is obvious, but you need to set the correct target path.
  • /MIR mirrors the folder structure.
  • /R:1 means retry once for each file. You can change this.
  • /W:1 means to wait 1 second between retries. You can change this too.

Type robocopy at the command prompt to see more options. You would be interested in the Exclusion List options, which are /XF and /XD. Very powerful stuff.

Hope this helps!

Teracopy may be worth a look.