Parsing nested Array of Dictionaries using Object Mapper

Your first model will represent outer array. And second will represent inner array. Here is a sample

 import Foundation
 import ObjectMapper

// RecipientModel is an array itself
class RecipientModel: Mappable {

var filingStatusId:Int
var orderId: Int
var formName: String
var recipientList: [RecipientList]

required init?(_ map: Map) {

    filingStatusId = 0
    orderId = 0
    formName = ""
    recipientList = []

func mapping(map: Map) {

    filingStatusId      <- map["FilingStatusId"]
    orderId             <- map["OrderId"]
    formName            <- map["FormName"]
    recipientList       <- map["RecipientList"]

And now you will create another model for your RecipientList

class RecipientList: Mappable {

var filingStatusId:Int
var formId: Int
var formName: String

required init?(_ map: Map) {

    filingStatusId = 0
    formId = 0
    formName = ""

func mapping(map: Map) {

    filingStatusId      <- map["FilingStatusId"]
    formId              <- map["FormId"]
    formName            <- map["FormName"]

Objectmapper handles nested objects as long as they conform to Mappable:

    import UIKit
    import ObjectMapper

    class ReturnModel: Mappable
    var FilingStatusId : Int = 0
    var FormName : String = ""
    var OrderId : String = ""
    var RecipientList:[RecipientModel] = []

    required init?(map: Map) {


    func mapping(map: Map)
        FilingStatusId <- map["FilingStatusId"]
        FormName <- map["FormName"]
        OrderId <- map["OrderId"]
        RecipientList <- map["RecipientList"]