how to list all files and directories in given directory with full path but not recursive?

Solution 1:

If you don't want to install anything, you could also use the following command:

for /f "delims=" %a in ('cd') do @for /f %b in ('dir /b /a') do @echo %a\%b

You have to cd into the directory first or it won't work.

Solution 2:

Try the following command:

dir /s /b /a

It will give ALL files, you can run it through FIND if you want or add a folder name.

Solution 3:

If you tried ls, why not just install cygwin? You can use find in cygwin:

find -name "*"

If you do install cygwin and want to use find in cygwin, make sure the find in cygwin is called by either using full path or insert cygwin bin path before system32 because Windows also has a find.exe.