How to disable "Access can be package-private" message in IntelliJ?

Developing an API, the warning message "Access can be package-package" in Java classes can be really annoying.

I've already spent some time going through the settings to find a way to disable this message but without any findings. Any idea how to disable the message?

Solution 1:

Go to Settings → Editor → Inspections then Java → Declaration redundancy → Declaration access can be weaker rule.
Here you can either disable it at all or select the suggestion options on the right pane:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

To disable on a case by case basis, use


Solution 3:

The inspection rule is "Declaration access can be weaker" and there are two options which can be disabled "Suggest package-private visibility level..."

Solution 4:

Move the cursor to public , press Alt + Enter and choose one of the options:
enter image description here