Is there a word like apathy but with positive moral connotations? [closed]

Consider the following two people:

  • Alice obsessively watches the news and feels horrified by the constant bad news she sees. She takes up smoking to deal with the stress, and experiences panic attacks.

  • Bob also watches the news, but he realises he can't do much to change anything on a national scale so he decides not to care and goes for a walk with his dog.

I am looking for a noun to describe Bob's attitude. Apathy could work but it has negative moral connotations. Is there a positive equivalent?

Solution 1:

Sounds to me like Bob has achieved an admirable equanimity.

Equanimity describes "The quality of being calm and even-tempered; [achieving] composure."

Another word which just came to mind is unruffled.

Whereas Jane comes unglued while watching the terrible events unfolding on the six o'clock news, Bob has achieved a certain equanimity and remains unruffled by what the talking heads are saying.

Solution 2:

I suggest serenity as in

Bob is serene about it all.

calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.

Find the word and take the antonym that fits