Word for dress-like garment with shorts instead of skirt?

A dress is a one-piece garment containing a skirt. What's the word for a one-piece garment that looks like a dress, except it has shorts instead? Are there any qualifiers depending on the length of the shorts?

Solution 1:

It is called a 'Playsuit'. If the length of the shorts increases enough that they become trousers, it would become a 'Jumpsuit'.


Solution 2:

The one-piece garment with shorts is sometimes referred to as a "romper", as shown here - from a recent online catalog in the US:

enter image description here

Thanks to @RaceYouAnytime's generosity, here are some additional notes regarding "romper":

The OED describes "romper" as originally referring to a garment worn by children, but it can also refer to adult garments of this sort.

2.a. A one-piece garment covering the trunk and all or part of the legs, worn esp. as a playsuit by a young child; (subsequently also) an all-in-one outer garment for a baby.

2.b. An item of clothing of related design worn by adults: spec. (a) a fashionable, loose-fitting woman's garment combining esp. a short-sleeved or sleeveless top and wide-legged shorts

Solution 3:

I've always heard that referred to as a jumper