Entity Framework Code First - No Detach() method on DbContext

For people that might stumble upon this question, as of CTP5 you now need to write


in order to get to ObjectContext.

DbContext uses an ObjectContext internally and EF team make this available as a protected property just in case you ever need to drop down to the lower level API and sounds like this is the case here, so you can use or expose the required functionality from a derived DbContext:

public class YourContext : DbContext 
    public void Detach(object entity) 

Then you can call this method from your controller to detach an entity.

Alternatively, you can change it to even have a richer API:

public class YourContext : DbContext
    public void ChangeObjectState(object entity, EntityState entityState)
        ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(entity, entityState);

Here is how DbContext looks like from metadata:

public class DbContext : IDisposable 
    protected System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext ObjectContext { get; }

EF:CF 4.1 RC1 and EF:CF 4.1 RTW have the same explicitly implemented IObjectContextAdapter:

public static class DbContextExtensions
    public static void Detach(this System.Data.Entity.DbContext context, object entity)

Microsoft decided "Detach is too advanced technology and should be hidden". IMHO the man who invented this should be shot - because if you add brand new entity, it is otherwise difficult to just remove it without commiting changes to db (you can manipulate with DbEntityEntry but that's another story).

Edit 4 years later:

With EF6 (i somehow skipped EF5 :) ) you dont need detach() anymore, becouse removing freshly added entry does not generate delete from [table] where [Id] = 0 as in EF4 - you can just call mySet.Remove(myFreshlyCreatedAndAddedEntity) and everything will be allright.