What is the English word for this big pipe?

In Cellular (2004) movie, There is a scene at the top of building construction, Ryan jumped into some big sliding pipe to escape from the Ethan.

Person sliding inside a large tube

Is there any English word for this big pipe ?

Solution 1:

In the UK at least they're called "Rubbish chutes" or sometimes "Rubble chutes", eg



enter image description here

With reference to "Escape chute" and "pipe slide", as mentioned in other answers: I think the key difference between those and a rubble chute is that a rubble chute is not designed for humans to slide down, and in fact may be very dangerous, perhaps fatal, for them to do so (I certainly would not want to jump down the one in the above picture, for example, which would deposit you at very high speed into who-knows-what at the bottom).

I think this is what the OP is asking about, given the description of it being at the top of some building construction, but I haven't seen the film in question.