List of Linux programs which are not in macOS

I know the following programs are in Linux but not in macOS.

Are there more? Where can I find the list?

Please ignore BSD counterparts.


There exists millions and millions of programs out there in the world. Some work on Linux, some work on macOS - some work both places.

No-one has or could have a complete list of such programs.

The list you have of programs not available on macOS does not seem to be entirely correct either. A watch program is indeed included in the default macOS installation. The rest can easily be installed - for example if you install HomeBrew, you can install the tree, wget, wdiff, gdb and autoconf commands by running:

brew install tree wget wdiff gdb autoconf

Note that lots of programs, particularly old ones, exist in multiple versions with the same name. For example Linux draws a lot of programs in from the GNU project, where macOS draws some programs in from the BSD world. So you might have programs with the same name and intended primary functionality on both Linux and macOS, but underlying are really two different programs. In many cases, you can just install the GNU version instead if you dislike the BSD version.