English equivalent of "brain turned into yogurt"

In Hindi, there is an idiom "दिमाग का दही हो गया" (dimaag ka dahi ho gaya) which literally translates to "brain turned into yogurt". This is used when you're mentally exhausted and unable to think with your usual speed/clarity. Example situations:

  • A student studying for a few hours.
  • A person bored by listening to speeches all day, even though they weren't paying much attention.

Is there an English equivalent of this idiom?

Solution 1:

I would go with "My brain is fried." I hear this frequently in everyday life (working as a scientist in southern California). I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone say "brain turned to mush," but perhaps that's a regional difference. "I'm frazzled" is probably even more common and has roughly the same meaning, but is less parallel to your yogurt-brain saying!

Solution 2:

The idiom "brain turned into/to mush" seems to fit the bill.

From Merriam-Webster:

Definition of one's brain turns into/to mush

—used to say that one is unable to think clearly or well

I was so tired my brain turned into/to mush.

Solution 3:

The closest equivalent would be "Brain turned to pudding" which is used as a variation of Brain turned to mush

A search on Google turned up the following books that use this phrase

  • Blackout (Cal Leandros #6) Urban Fantasy by Rob Thurman (USA Author)
  • Revisionary (Magic Ex Libris #4) Urban Fantasy by Jim C. Hines (USA Author)
  • Woodrose Mountain, a Romance by Raeanne Thayne (USA Author)
  • The Dividing Head & Deluxe Accersories, non-fiction by David J. Gingery (USA Author)