How to list all Active Directory Users and their group membership

Install the Quest CMDlets and then run this code:

Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
$memberships = @()

Get-QADGroup -SizeLimit 0 | Foreach-Object {
        $NameGroup = $_.Name
        Write-Host "Working with $NameGroup"
        $membership = Get-QADGroupMember $_.DN -Enabled -SizeLimit 0
        if ($membership -ne $null ) {
        $membership | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name AuditGroupUserIsMemberOf -value $_.Name
        $memberships += $membership

$memberships | Select-Object AuditGroupUserIsMemberOf, NTAccountname | Export-Csv "GroupsWithUsers.csv"

This will give you a 1 record per group-user connection so expect multiple occurrences of users and groups. If you wan't other fields, you can just edit the Select-Object statement. Use $memberships | gm to see all the possibilities for the users. If you want more fields for the groups, use Get-QADGroup | gm, you will then need to add these by adding a new NoteProperty.

If you don't really care about more options, here is a one-liner you can just mash in the terminal:

Get-QADGroup -sizeLimit 0 | select @{name="Group";expression={$}} -expand members | select Group,@{n='User';e={ (Get-QADObject $_).NTAccountName}} | Export-Csv "MyUsersAndGroups.csv"