Can we have multiline comments in a Java properties file?

In a Java .properties file we can do single line comments with #.

Is there any way by which we can do multi-line comments?

Solution 1:

Unfortunately not! Java properties file only have single line # comments.

Solution 2:

If you use Eclipse, you can select multiple lines and comment all with a shortcut (Ctrl+/ by default). Same shortcut uncomments the lines, but you have to pay attention no to select any empty line, which will cause the non-empty ones to get commented more than once.

These apply to Eclipse, but I guess many IDE:s and some editors offer similar functionality.

Solution 3:

.properties files do not have multiline comments.

Since JDK 1.5 Properties have XML support, and XML format supports multiline comments. See javadocs.

Solution 4:

I have made a class that handles comments in properties. Both general header comments and comments for individual properties.

Have a look at : CommentedProperties JavaDoc

The jar file can be downloaded here : Download jar file from sourceforge