Is it a good idea to mount gluster volume on same machine as volume itself?

I have following gluster volume, details are as follows

Volume Name: geo-vol
Type: Distribute
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 1
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: bst:/backup
Options Reconfigured:
geo-replication.indexing: on

I am mounting this volume on the same machine as nfs mount and brick1 is also on the same machine and than using geo-replication to mirror it to the backup server.

As you can see from my setup I am using glusterfs for almost realtime backup.

I just need reliable way to backup my data to secondary server, earlier I was using rsync but it started taking a lot of memory as number files increased, so we switched to gluster, when we tried real time replication it was hampering performance of the server, so in the last resort we went with ge-replication, one issue which we are facing right now is the cpu consumption of gluster is way high, I asked this question to gluster mailing list but no update.

Solution 1:

As per :

It's fairly common to run client and server processes on the same set of nodes. In fact, GlusterFS servers will mount a volume as a client to perform certain operations. In general this works well, but it is possible to run into various forms of contention between the server and client processes.