Is there a way in vscode to only zoom in on the editor

Out of Box solution for zoom in/out for text only:

  1. Ctrl+Shift+P (or View->Command Palette...)
  2. Type Open User Settings
  3. Edit settings.json
  4. Add "editor.mouseWheelZoom": true
  5. Save it.

You can use your mouse wheel to zoom in or zoom out only text in the text box.


Update Version 1.24 - May 2018

There are new commands for to zoom in/zoom out text in editors only:

  • Editor Font Zoom In
  • Editor Font Zoom Out
  • Editor Font Zoom Reset

By default they don't have any keybindings assigned:

screenshot of font zoom commands

You want the FontSize Shortcuts extension.

enter image description here


  1. Ctrl + P
  2. ext install fontsize-shortcuts
  3. Restart Visual Studio Code.

The shortcuts are:

  • Ctrl + = to increase the font size.
  • Ctrl + - to decrease the font size.
  • Ctrl + 0 to reset the font size.

  1. Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette
  2. Type Editor Font Zoom In
  3. Press Enter
  4. Repeat until the font is the desired size