I read a lot of posts saying I should't use worker MPM with PHP.

My question is whether this is still valid or could it be that working with the worker MPM is not recommended.

The reason I ask this is because i saw that the worker MPM does support PHP and I think that there's even a package for that purpose called php-zts

Last time I gave it a try (like 6-12 months ago?), I still had some really serious problems as apache would hang after a few hits on some virtualhosts. Coming back to prefork mpm solved my problem so I guess it was worker+php related and did not investigate any further.

Since this time, I heard that php fpm is now stable and merged in php codebase... You may want to try it with apache 2.4 but it is said that there are still non-thread-safe issues:

" As with the worker MPM of the previous version, the threaded model of this MPM causes issues when mod_php is used with non-thread-safe 3rd-party PHP extensions."

It depends on what PHP extensions you are going to use. Not every 3rd party PHP module is guaranteed to be thread-safe, so I think the recommendation to use prefork MPM with PHP is still valid.