VueJs dev tools panel not showing

I started using vue dev-tools in my application but it is not visible when in developer mode in Chrome. I tried various solutions found on the dev-tools github page and in other places on the web, but no luck. Below are the things i have done/tried to get it to display.

  1. Enabled allow access to file URL’s option in the chrome extension
  2. Added Vue.config.debug = true; Vue.config.devtools = true; just before new Vue({})
  3. Added non-minified versions of VueJS file
  4. Also I am using Chrome latest version: 55.0.2883.87.

I do get the following message when I click on the chrome extension enter image description here

Except the panel is not actually showing.

Does anyone have a solution to this? Thanks.

I could not get the Vue icon to be active on the menu bar, however I was able to get the Vue tab to show in the Chrome developer tools. Try the following:

  • Close the Chrome developer tools window
  • Hard refresh the browser
  • Re-open the developer tools window and look for the Vue tab

The icon in the toolbar might still indicate that it cannot detect Vue, but the tab should be visible in the Chrome developer tools.

I had this same issue, I was using minified vue from cdn "vue.min.js" .Then I removed that and used non-minified vue. Then I reloaded browser and reopened console and the vue tab was there.

Also found today that if you have an ad blocker installed that this also stops Vue Devtools from running properly.