Where are my Fonts?

I'm on Big Sur 11.2.2

My Font Book shows a family of Chinese fonts:FontBook

Pages is able to use this font:


I want to add this font to ImageMagick, but I can't find it anywhere. I was able to find fonts in only two locations - one is Macintosh HD/System/Library/Fonts -- which contains most (but not all!) the fonts I see in Font Book. The other is Macintosh HD/Library - which contains just one symbolic link to a font living in Macintosh HD/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental - (which does not contain the font I am looking for). Moreover, the folder /Users/'user_name'/Library/Fonts is empty.

So the question is obviously: Where is the Kaiti SC font?

Solution 1:

Kai TC is a "Downloadable Font Asset" -- Apple parlance for an optional extra. Its Location should be shown in Font Book's Info panel.

Select the font, and click on the i icon in the tool bar.

Also, right-click on the font for a "Reveal in Finder" menu item.

If memory serves, these fonts go somewhere under /System/Library/Assets