Ubuntu Dbeaver backup database [closed]

I have Dbeaver installed and I have a connection to a PostgreSQL database on a remote server.
I'd like to export this database to my local PC but when I go to Tools -> Backup database I see an error

Client home is not specified for connection

What should I specify and where? I can't find anything about it in the documentation.

Solution 1:

I use Windows 7, so maybe it doesn't work the same way, but it is worth a try. First you have to install your local postgresql server. When this is done, it's quite simple, just make a rightclick on your PostgreSQL connection and then click on "Edit Connection". Here you can choose your local client.

I must say, I've search long enough for this on my own. Hope it helps.

And it is my first post, so sorry if I did something wrong.

Screenshot Server Connection:

Screenshot Server Connection

Screenshot Edit Settings:

Screenshot Edit Settings

Solution 2:

I found this solution using ubuntu linux:

look for pg_dump running this command as root

find / -name "pg_dump"

in my case, the relevant result is /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/pg_dump

Then, in "Connection Settings" as other answers here, click on "browse" and browse to /usr/lib/postgresql/12/bin/pg_dump or the location resulted on the previous step.

Solution 3:

MAC specific answer

I ran into the same issue. Essentially, DBeaver needs to know where the postgresql bin is located. It contains things like pg_dump which the backup tool depends on. If you don't have PostgreSQL installed, then I'd recommend installing via: postgresapp.com

For version 11, as of this comment, the lib installation will be located here: /Applications/Postgres.app/contents/versions/11/bin.

Versions installed with brew are located in /usr/local/bin/postgres.

So within DBeaver you'll want to edit the DB connection properties to reflect the below screenshot. You'll be prompted to reconnect to your DB, but then you should be good to go.

Hope this helps.

enter image description here

Solution 4:

Linux Specific Answer

  • Install PostgreSQL client locally
  • Open the terminal and type which pg_dump and it will return something like /usr/bin/pg_dump
  • In local client settings select browse and add the folder from the previous step. In my case it was /usr/bin/. Wait a few seconds it will detect the driver.