Using regex matched groups in pandas dataframe replace function

I'm just learning python/pandas and like how powerful and concise it is.

During data cleaning I want to use replace on a column in a dataframe with regex but I want to reinsert parts of the match (groups).

Simple Example: lastname, firstname -> firstname lastname

I tried something like the following (actual case is more complex so excuse the simple regex):

df['Col1'].replace({'([A-Za-z])+, ([A-Za-z]+)' : '\2 \1'}, inplace=True, regex=True)

However, this results in empty values. The match part works as expected, but the value part doesn't. I guess this could be achieved by some splitting and merging, but I am looking for a general answer as to whether the regex group can be used in replace.

I think you have a few issues with the RegEx's.

As @Abdou just said use either '\\2 \\1' or better r'\2 \1', as '\1' is a symbol with ASCII code 1

Your solution should work if you will use correct RegEx's:

In [193]: df
0        John, Doe
1  Max, Mustermann

In [194]:{r'(\w+),\s+(\w+)' : r'\2 \1'}, regex=True)
0          Doe John
1    Mustermann Max
Name: name, dtype: object

In [195]:{r'(\w+),\s+(\w+)' : r'\2 \1', 'Max':'Fritz'}, regex=True)
0            Doe John
1    Mustermann Fritz
Name: name, dtype: object


df = pd.DataFrame(dict(name=['Smith, Sean']))

0  Smith, Sean

using replace'(\w+),\s*(\w+)', r'\2 \1')

0    Sean Smith
Name: name, dtype: object

using extract
split to two columns'(?P<Last>\w+),\s*(?P<First>\w+)', expand=True)

    Last First
0  Smith  Sean