Pressing the tilde key (~) waits for a second key stroke, how do I disable this?

When pressing tilde in Windows 7, using a Swedish keyboard layout, the computer waits for a second key to be pressed. The reason behind the wait is to allow users the ability to construct characters such as ã and ñ, which I never type. Can I disable this so that pressing tilde once actually generates a tilde?

Solution 1:

First, download and install Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator. Then, follow these steps:

  • open KLC and go to File -> Load Existing Keyboard...
  • select your keyboard layout and click OK
  • when the layout has loaded, double-click on the key that produces the tilde character

enter image description here

  • in the new window, click "All..."

enter image description here

  • find the combination that produces the tilde character and uncheck the "Dead Key?" checkbox

enter image description here

  • click OK
  • optional: go to Project -> Test Keyboard Layout to make sure the key behaves the way you want to
  • optional: go to Project -> Properties and change the layout name and description
  • go to Project -> Build DLL and Setup Package, wait for the process to complete and click Yes to open the directory where the setup files are located
  • run the setup.exe file to install the new layout
  • finally, go to Regional Settings in Control Panel (or use the Language Bar) to switch to the new layout

Solution 2:

Visit The Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator web page and download MSKLC.EXE (10.1 MB).

Some of this program's features allow you to base new layouts off of existing ones. (This means that you can take the current Sweedish keyboard layout and remove the current character/action and replace it with a tilde.)