How to get USB Devices to AutoMount in Ubuntu 12.04 Server

From the Ubuntu documentation, try installing usbmount.

sudo apt-get install usbmount

Here is the description from the repo:

automatically mount and unmount USB mass storage devices This package automatically mounts USB mass storage devices (typically USB pens) when they are plugged in, and unmounts them when they are removed. The mountpoints (/media/usb[0-7] by default), filesystem types to consider, and mount options are configurable. When multiple devices are plugged in, the first available mountpoint is automatically selected. If the device provides a model name, a symbolic link /var/run/usbmount/MODELNAME pointing to the mountpoint is automatically created.

When using automount, it will mount the storage devices at /media/usb[0-7] (there is no dialog).

Printers/scanners are not "mounted" and would be configured differently. Although, if your end goal is to just pass these along to your Windows guest, you need to install the VirtualBox Extension Pack, from here The devices to not need to be set up within your Ubuntu host prior to using them with your Windows guest.

  1. Install usbmount

    sudo apt-get install usbmount
  2. Allow users to access usb drives

    sudo sed -i 's/MOUNTOPTIONS="/MOUNTOPTIONS="user,umask=000,/' /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf
  3. Plug in and use

    cd /media/usb
    touch beeblebrox

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