How to search for selected text in Vim?
I'm aware that I can use / followed by a regex to search something. And I can use ? to search backwards. And I can use n and N to repeat the search forward and backward.
There are also two nice shortcuts: * or # will search for the word under the cursor (forward/backward). That's very useful! (there are also g* and g# variants)
But... Once I've selected text using visual mode (v), how can I ask Vim to search for exactly that text? A quick look at :help
did not... huh... help me.
The following sequence will do what you want, given an already selected block of text:
y (yank the selected text, into the
register by default) - / (enter search mode)
- (\ V) (optional, enter "very no magic" mode*)
Ctrl+r " (insert text from
register) - Enter (Engage!)
(*) "very no magic" mode interprets the following text as plain text instead of as a regex. note however that \
and /
are still special and will have to be handled in other ways. If the text does not have any characters considered special, you can skip this step.
Source: Vim Tips Wiki
You can yank the hightlighted text first. Then
Which will paste what you have yanked after the /.
I never felt the need for such a feature but, considering you can find a need for any feature on Vim, I think this from the Vim Wiki should help:
vnoremap // y/\V<C-R>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>
I didn't test it but, looking at the code, it seems to be exactly what you're searching for.
You can find a method to create this behavior here at the vim wiki.