Get itunes link for app before submitting

  • The manual way:

Your should copy your "Apple ID" from iTunes connect and use this link:

Would open the US store ("APPNAME" is that app name and XXXXXXXXX is the "Apple ID". You can use more general method (Recommended):

and replace "XXXXXXXXX" with your "Apple ID" (from iTunes connect - after creating the app there).

Pay attention that those would open safari if you won't preprocess them, You could also use itms:// to open iTunes directly.

The easiest way to do this now is through iTunes Connect. Once you create an app there is a link to 'View in App Store'. Even if you haven't uploaded a binary yet you can click this link to get your App Store link.

The other answers work too but this generates your url for you. This is the URL it creates with my info removed (replace app-name and the numbers after /id with your own):

Once you create application in iTunes for submission under App Information tab click in View on App Store you will get app link.

enter image description here

Option 2: (In new update this is no longer available) you can create as below

Note : Just replace app name and numbers after /id with your app-id in above link

Use this url example and just change your Apple ID at the end! Replace only the numbers!

You can find the value of your Appple ID by login into your App Store Connect and navigating to 'My Apps' under the 'App Information' -> 'General Information' -> 'Apple ID'

This url format works always and it is particularly helpful if you need the link before you publish your app

The standard URL is: