Scoped CSS not being applied within the component

I have the following form component:

            <input placeholder="Recipe Name">
            <textarea placeholder="Recipe Description..." rows="10"></textarea>

export default {
    name: 'AddRecipeForm'

<style scoped>
form {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;

The <style> uses the scoped attribute.

When applied, the CSS does not get loaded in. When scoped is removed, it does get applied.

However I want to keep it local to the component.

Why is the CSS not getting applied when the scoped attribute is present?

Solution 1:

It appears this was solved by doing a full-reload of the page. Hot reload should take care of scoped css.

However for future viewers, This is commonly asked when scoped CSS isnt being applied to a child component. This can be solved by using deep selectors. (e.g: Using a .selector >>> .desired-selector {})

EDIT: Since this is still getting activity, I'll bring my comment into the answer. ::v-deep also works depending on what preprocessor you're using.

Solution 2:

For some reason, scoped styles don't get applied during hot reload when they are first added to the component. Full page reload fixes the issue, from there the styles, since they have been detected, get updated with consecutive hot reloads.