Redux-Form initial values from

You need to add enableReinitialize: true as below.

let InitializeFromStateForm = reduxForm({
    form: 'initializeFromState',
    enableReinitialize : true // this is needed!!

If your initialValues prop gets updated, your form will update too.

To set the initialValues it is important to apply the reduxForm() decorator before the connect() decorator from redux. The fields will not populate from the store state if the order of the decorators is inverted.

const FormDecoratedComponent = reduxForm(...)(Component)
const ConnectedAndFormDecoratedComponent = connect(...)(FormDecoratedComponent)

If, in addition to setting the values for the first time, you need to re-populate the form every time the state changes then set enableReinitialize: true

Find a simple example in this answer.

Read the official documentation and full example.

Read about this issue here.

So, you're trying:

  • Load API data into the form
  • Update the form just on load (aka. initialValues)

Whilst @FurkanO might work, I think the best approach is to load the form when you got all async data, you can do that by creating a parent component / container:


componentDidMount() {
  // I think this one fits best for your case, otherwise just switch it to
  // componentDidUpdate
/* api methods here */
render() {
 const { profile } = this.props;
 return (
   {profile && <UserEdit profile={profile} />}

Basically what you should be doing in the UserEditLoader is to execute the API functions and update the state (or props if redux connected). Whenever the profile variable isn't empty (meaning you got the data you were expecting) then mount UserEdit with profile as prop.