Failed to crunch file - Android studio (app:mergeDebugResources)

Failed to crunch file means studio can't process the file. Its too long and it has reached the max file path line of the operating system.

-> Crude way to solve it is move the project to some folder in "C:\".

-> Better way is to change the build directory of the project in the build.gradle file (Project)

allprojects {
    buildDir = "C:/tmp/${}/${}"

this is because your project path is too long. Please make this as short as possible. It will resolve this error.





The length of the path\file name (the count of all characters in the name)has crossed the maximum limit. This is happening because a combination of length of file name and the multiple nested folder levels.

It's because the path length has exceeded the maximum value. You do not have to move your project elsewhere. Just open a shell in the root directory of your hard drive and make a junction to your project:


cd \ mklink /j project D:\a\very\long\path\to\your\project cd project You can now make the building process without a pain

This is happening because file name and path is too long

1) rename the folder to a shorter name

2) move the project to the folder to a simple path like

c:/android projects/Project Sample