Big Sur 11.2 upgrade stuck in boot screen

My Mid 2014 MBP decided to install 11.2 Big Sur update yesterday evening. After rebooting, it stuck in the boot screen. Left it there overnight but nothing changed.

Then I force-powered off it and booted it in Safe Boot. It completed the update and Software Update shows I have 11.2. However, if I reboot to normal mode, it gets stuck in boot screen again.

Took a look to the logs but didn't see anything definitive.

Any help is appreciated.

Some updates:

  • SMC clearing did not work.
  • PRAM clearing did not work.
  • OS Reinstall did not work.
  • Moving 3rd party extensions out of /Library/Extensions didn't work.
    • Invalidating kext cache didn't work either.
  • There's a /System/Volumes/Update folder with success logs.

I still don't know what the problem is.

Solution 1:

Make sure you have at least 35GB of storage free.