How to play WAV audio file from Resources?

How can I play a WAV audio file in from my project's Resources? My project is a Windows Forms application in C#.

Because mySoundFile is a Stream, you can take advantage of SoundPlayer's overloaded constructor, which accepts a Stream object:

System.IO.Stream str = Properties.Resources.mySoundFile;
System.Media.SoundPlayer snd = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(str);

SoundPlayer Class Documentation (MSDN)

a) OK, first add audio file (.wav) into project resource.

  1. Open "Solution Explorer" from menu toolbar ("VIEW") or simply press Ctrl+Alt+L.
  2. Click on drop-down list of "Properties".
  3. Then select "Resource.resx" and press enter.

open project resource

  1. Now select "Audio" from the combobox list.

add audio files to resource

  1. Then click on "Add Resource", choose audio files (.wav) and click "Open".

browsing for audio files

  1. Select audio file(s) and change "Persistence" properties to "Embedded in .resx".

embedding audio files to resource

b) Now, just write this code to play the audio.

In this code I'm playing audio on form load event.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Media; // at first you've to import this package to access SoundPlayer

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class login : Form
        public login()

        private void login_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            playaudio(); // calling the function

        private void playaudio() // defining the function
            SoundPlayer audio = new SoundPlayer(WindowsFormsApplication1.Properties.Resources.Connect); // here WindowsFormsApplication1 is the namespace and Connect is the audio file name

That's it.
All done, now run the project (press f5) and enjoy your sound.
All the best. :)

Stream str = Properties.Resources.mySoundFile;
RecordPlayer rp = new RecordPlayer();
rp.Open(new WaveReader(str));

From How to play WAV audio file from resources in C#.

You need to be cautious about the garbage collector freeing up memory used by your sound while the sound is still playing. While it rarely happens, when it does, you will just be playing some random memory. There is a solution to this, complete with source code for achieving what you want here:

Scroll to the very bottom, in the "Community Content" section.

Theses two lines can do it:

SoundPlayer sound = new SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.solo);     