Need a non-Mac keyboard alternative for Mac users [closed]

I'm a Macbook Pro user. I like Apple products in general, but I hate their keyboards.

I work on my computer/laptop 10+ hours a day, so I would like to have a keyboard that is Mac-compatible and ergonomic.

I found this one on Amazon. It is specifically made for Mac. However, I would like to get some suggestions from people who found good keyboards for Mac.

Solution 1:

I've not seen any USB keyboard not work with OS X..

The only "problem" is the Windows(/Command) and Alt(/Option) key are swapped in location from the regular Apple keyboards... but you can easily fix this by going to System Preferences > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard > Modifier Keys:

Modifier keys preference

..then swapping Option and Command keys

Solution 2:

I've got a bunch of Kinesis ergonomic keyboards and am currently typing this (on my iMac) on a Kinesis Advantage. Great keyboard, especially if you're suffering from RSI or similar, works fine with my Mac and even comes with Mac key caps.