How do I open a "Acrobat X" document without the newest version?
When I open a certain PDF file I get the following error:
For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in
Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later.
Get Adobe Reader Now!
I have Foxit Reader 5.1.4 and Adobe Reader 8.3.1. Neither will open it at all, except for this error message. Brief google-ing showed that a similar thing can happen with version 9.
For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in
Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9, or later.
Apparently Adobe, in their wisdom, has invented a new format that in not backwards compatible, and someone saved this document in the non-backwards compatible mode. Spiffy-do for them. Great for Adobe in theory, but
- I do not want to get the new version of Adobe.
- I did try to download it, against my better judgement. The installer downloaded. I ran it. It failed to finish, and deleted itself as well so I couldn't just try again.
So now I am thoroughly against getting the new version, or using Adobe Acrobat at all. Good move Adobe.
Is there another way to convert this to something I can read? My first thought is to find someone who has Adobe Acrobat X, have them open it, and save it in a backwards compatible format. But I'd rather not involve others, I want something I can do myself for the next time this happens.
I tried uploading to Google Docs, to see if they would magically parse the document so I could read it in the web format. That had the same results, the dumb message/advertisement.
Since this is not something that I have to have, if I can't read it without version X, I will just go without it.
I'm 99% sure PDF's like these are assembled as portfolios of multiple standalone pdfs in Adobe Acrobat.
- SumatraPDF (windows only), bookmarks sidebar (F12) lists embedded documents.
- evince (gnome), sidebar (F9) and choose attachments from the heading dropdown menu.
- okular (kde), untested but others say it works.
pdftk extract all pdf embedded attachments:
pdftk <filename> unpack_files output .
pdf-tools extract all pdf embedded attachments:
pdfdetach -saveall <filename>
I'd say ditch Adobe Acrobat completely--it is just a waste of time, and they are trying to generate more sales with this new "feature" (read "bug").
You can bypass this with a conversion to ps and back:
pdf2ps file.pdf
Or, avoiding creation of an intermediary file by piping pdf2ps output to ps2pdf input:
pdf2ps file.pdf - | ps2pdf - converted_file.pdf