Download an already uploaded Lambda function

I created a lambda function in AWS (Python) using "upload .zip" I lost those files and I need to make some changes, is there is any way to download that .zip?


Navigate over to your lambda function settings and on the top right you will have a button called "Actions". In the drop down menu select "export" and in the popup click "Download deployment package" and the function will download in a .zip file.

Action button on top-right


A popup from CTA above (Tap "Download deployment package" here)


Update: Added link to script by sambhaji-sawant. Fixed Typos, improved answer and script based on comments!

You can use aws-cli to download the zip of any lambda.

First you need to get the URL to the lambda zip $ aws lambda get-function --function-name $functionName --query 'Code.Location'

Then you need to use wget/curl to download the zip from the URL. $ wget -O URL_from_step_1

Additionally you can list all functions on your AWS account using

$ aws lambda list-functions

I made a simple bash script to parallel download all the lambda functions from your AWS account. You can see it here :)

Note: You will need to setup aws-cli before using the above commands (or any aws-cli command) using aws configure

Full guide here

You can use shell script available here