Tools for faster, better web development [closed]

Solution 1:

LAMP stack development

  • IDE: Zend Studio / PDT for Eclipse
  • PHP Framework: Zend Framework
  • Javascript library: jQuery
  • Source code versioning: SubVersion with Tortoise client
  • HTML filtering library: HTML Purifier
  • Image manipulation library: php image
  • Op-code cache: APC
  • Javascript / CSS deployment: Minify
  • Markup / javascript inspection debugging: Firebug
  • Database administration: phpMyAdmin
  • Page load analyzer: YSlow
  • Markup validation: HTML validator
  • Shell client: PuTTY
  • FTP Client: FlashFXP
  • The PHP manual
  • Experience and skill :)

(I focused on LAMP since that is what I use for web development)

Solution 2:

Firefox plugins for development


This has proved to be very useful to me. You can eyedrop any colour (I'm going with my native spelling here) on any web page, and also on the chrome if you're inclined!

Web Developer Toolbar

The ruler is very useful! Not to mention everything else :)

Solution 3:

VirtualBox makes development pretty easy since you can have a virtual machine be the "server" and browse the pages from your main OS. This is especially true if the OS you're targeting isn't the one you're developing for.

Solution 4:

Aptana Studio

Solution 5:

These are some of my basic essentials:


  • text editor: Textmate
  • CSS editor: CSSEdit
  • FTP tool: Transmit


  • text and CSS editor: Aptana


  • Source Code Management: Git
  • Browser plugin: Firebug
  • Framework: Ruby on Rails
  • Javascript library: Prototype and Scriptaculous
  • Navigating multiple computers: Synergy

Also, here's a write up I did a while back: Essentials of a web-developer's toolbox