Revert to Eclipse default settings

I know there is the option in Eclipse to 'restore defaults'.

The problem is I had imported a .epf to change my editors font/colors.

I'm not a big fan of the changes and would like to go back. I've tried deleting the eclipse folder and downloading a fresh copy, but the styles persist.

I assume there is a config file somewhere that I could possibly delete.

Anyway, if you could help me out here I would appreciate it. I've looked for solutions but they all seem to point to the same answer that doesn't work for me.

Solution 1:

You can reset to the default color scheme in the Window>Preferences options page. This example will be for resetting a theme used for Java.

Navigate to Windows>Preferences>Java>Editor. Click on Syntax Coloring. Click "Restore Defaults" and "Apply". Then, navigate to General>Editors. Click on Text Editors. Click on "Restore Defaults" and "Apply".

I had the same issue and the above steps cleared up my problem. Also, the Show line numbers check box is on the last page from above.

Solution 2:

I followed the instructions of Ronan on this one and worked well.

rm -r $WORKSPACE_DIR/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/

Relaunch eclipse.

I had installed the an eclipse preference for colours.

One would think eclipse could make it simpler to remove preferences than this manual process.