How do I remove/ignore words from gedit's spell checker dictionary?

How do I remove/ignore words from gedit's spell checker dictionary?

Solution 1:

Open the dictionairy where your words are saved and remove them. You can find these by opening home folder, hit control-h (shows hidden files) and navigate ~/.config/enchant

I myself have 1 dic file in there and you can open it in gedit.


Solution 2:

Very good. A little more detail might be in order. Some people might not be able to find "rinzwind" on their computer :-) Use the terminal.


(This changes to your home directory.)

cd ./.config/enchant

(Change to the enchant directory.)

$ ls
en_US.dic  en_US.exc

(The file you want is en_US.dic)

pico en_US.dic

Now edit the file to remove the word you added by mistake when you clicked the wrong button in the gedit spellcheck (that was my issue), etc. Save and exit.