Increase KeyRepeat Speed in MacOS Big Sur

It seems like the method to increase the key repeat speed further than the settings allow as mentioned in this question no longer works in Big Sur:

How to increase keyboard key repeat rate on OS X?

Has anyone figured out a way to increase the Key Repeat speed in Big Sur?

Solution 1:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 1
defaults write NSGlobalDomain InitialKeyRepeat -int 10

And turn off press and hold if you haven't: \

defaults write NSGlobalDomain ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false

I can confirm they work because I am using these settings. Also make sure "slow keys" is disabled in System Preferences > Accessibility > Slow Keys.

Also, although it seems counterintuitive, I checked all my defaults for keyrepeat entries with defaults read | grep -i 'keyrepeat' and found that I had "KeyRepeatEnabled = 0;" in my defaults. So maybe setting that to 1 would override the other above defaults and prevent fast key repeat.

To match my setting you can use the command:

defaults write KeyRepeatEnabled -bool 0

You need to restart your computer for all of these things to take effect! Logging off and on did not change anything for me.