PHP number: decimal point visible only if needed

Solution 1:

floatval or simply casting to float

php > echo floatval(7.00);
php > echo floatval(2.30);
php > echo floatval(1.25);
php > echo floatval(1.125);

php > echo (float) 7.00;
php > echo (float) 2.30;
php > echo (float) 1.25;
php > echo (float) 1.125;

Solution 2:

I actually think that your workaround is as good as any. It's simple and clear, and there's really no point talking about performance here, so just go for it.

Solution 3:

As Emil says yours are good. But if you want to remove 0 from e.g. 7.50 too, I've got a suggestion, rtrim():

    // if $sql_result["col_number"] == 1,455.50
    rtrim(rtrim(number_format($sql_result["col_number"], 2, ".", ""), '0'), '.');
    // will return 1455.5

Solution 4:

You could also use rtrim(), which would remove excess 0s, in the case where you might want to keep one decimal place but not the excess zeros. (For example, 4.50 becomes 4.5.) Also allows you to change the number of decimal places from 2 to any other number.

rtrim(rtrim((string)number_format($value, 2, ".", ""),"0"),".");

// 4.00 -> 4
// 4.50 -> 4.5
// 4.54000000 -> 4.54 (if you're doing more decimal places)

Solution 5:

Actually I think the cleanest way I can think of to do this for someone that just did a search looking for this sort of thing is to do this:

( number_format ($sql_result["col_number"], 2) * 100 ) / 100;