What parts of Autorun need to be disabled to avoid Autosave lag in Skyrim?

I've read that disabling Autosave in Skyrim helps to avoid the lag it can create after the savefile has exceeded a certain threshold. However, I'm wondering if it really is all of Autosave that needs to be disabled, or just some parts?

On the PS3, Autosave options are:

  • Save on Rest
  • Save on Wait
  • Save on Travel
  • Save on Character Menu [Choose Interval]

Are some of these options still fairly useable without undue lag, or do all of them need to be shut off? Autosave has saved my hide a fair number of times, so I hesitate to disable it entirely. Has anyone tested just shutting off bits and pieces?

I would say to take them all off becaus the lag will turn in to a complete freze as the file gets bigger.( that is what is now going on with my game, only time it don't freze is if I am in a dungon dining the saving myself.) also the auto save do not overwrite other auto saves, so by turning it off will save you a ton of room on your HD. Good luck hope they fix this for us soon :)