how to "reimport" module to python then code be changed after import

For Python 2.x


For Python 3.x

import importlib
import foo #import the module here, so that it can be reloaded.

In addition to gnibbler's answer:

This changed in Python 3 to:

>>> import imp
>>> imp.reload(foo)

As @onnodb points out, imp is deprecated in favor of importlib since Python 3.4:

>>> import importlib
>>> importlib.reload(foo)

IPython3's autoreload feature works just right.

I am using the actual example from the webpage. First load the 'autoreload' feature.

In []: %load_ext autoreload
In []: %autoreload 2

Then import the module you want to test:

In []: import foo
In []: foo.some_function()
Out[]: 42

Open in an editor and change some_function to return 43

In []: foo.some_function()
Out[]: 43

It also works if you import the function directly.

In []: from foo import some_function
In []: some_function()
Out[]: 42

Make change in some_function to return 43.

In []: some_function()
Out[]: 43

If you want this to happen automatically, there is the autoreload module that comes with iPython.