Is there a way to put comments in the youtube-dl batch file?

youtube -dl supports only one url at each line in a url listed batch file. It will not read a url/line if it begins with a # or part of line after #. In that case your batch file should look like,

#comment 1
#commeent 2

You can comment like this also, #comment 1 #comment 2

To download with such a batch file, use

youtube-dl --title --batch-file='/path/to/list.txt'

I assume list.txt contains the urls.

Create your batch file with a url-list as usual. And comment a line by putting a # at the beginning of the line.

youtube-dl will not read that line.

Example: url.txt

#This is link 1
#This is link 2 (blabla)

You can comment them just the way you'd comment them in bash. Just put a # before the comment. You can have a text file like this.

#This is a comment
# I hope people are not tasty #Would we eat each other if it were legal
#I love the moon   #This is a comment too

You can comment a line by putting a # or a ; at the beginning of the line. Both will work.