Are there video players that display milliseconds on Mac?

I need to view a video in "mp4" format with an accuracy of minutes, seconds and milliseconds for a specific task - analysis.

Operating system: macOS Catalina, version: 10.15.7

As I understand there are video players with milliseconds display only on windows, on Mac, alternatives and solutions could not be found. Maybe someone came across a similar question and was able to solve it. I have already tried to install the VLC player, but a certain plug-in is needed to open the ability to view in milliseconds, unfortunately I could not install such a plug-in on a Mac.macos video

This error occurs when trying to open the file:

enter image description here

The document "2020-12-24T09_20_45.375Z_LR_crf_26_deidentified.h.265.mp4" could not be opened.

The file isn't compatible with QuickTime Player.

If you have homebrew installed, you can install mpv (recommended) or IINA (based on mpv) which displays milliseconds.

If you do not have homebrew then you can install it by copying pasting the following in your terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Solution 1: Install mpv with the following command:

brew install mpv

mpv player supports url and a wide variety of video formats. That means you can play files locally as well as youtube or any other online video links straight from your terminal.

After installing mpv you can play your video file by going to the terminal and type:

mpv <Drag the file you want to play from finder and hit enter>

At the beginning when mpv will open, it will not show you milliseconds. You would have to click on top of the time for it to display milliseconds.

For details see: and their git repo:

Here is a screenshot of a non-copyright video playing from youtube with milliseconds displaying at the bottom:

enter image description here

Solution 2: Install iina with the following command:

brew install --cask iina

It should let you install version 1.1.2 which supports this feature.

You can choose the timestamp in miliseconds as shown in the following screenshot:

enter image description here

You could open your video in QuickTime and use the trim view (Cmd+T) to see the milliseconds.

The open source app IINA (on GitHub) can show the time in milliseconds.

You can install it from its website or with Homebrew: brew install --cask iina.

To make it show milliseconds, right-click the current time at the side of the video's scrubbing bar. It will show a "Precision" drop down. Select milliseconds to see the timestamp with milliseconds.

enter image description here

enter image description here